
partizip language school

What is participle II?

How do you form Participle II? Where is Participle II in the sentence? When do you need this form? 

  • Education

Participle II is formed differently for regular and irregular verbs. 

Regular verbs get prefix at the beginning ge- and at the end -t.

Example: paint (infinitive) - painted (participle II)

With irregular verbs, it looks a bit more complicated. Sometimes there is a -en or the vowels in the verb stem are changed to

Example: read (infinitive) -read (participle II)
speak (infinitive) -spoken (participle II)

In our German courses you will be given a list of irregular verbs and together with other participants and qualified teachers you can practise enough.

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  • Meaning/ Use

Participle II is used for various grammatical forms.

It can, as in our examples, express the past perfect. Another option for participle II is passive - when the action is more important than the person acting. Finally, participle II can also occur as an adjective, in which case it gets a suffix if it occurs before the noun.

  • Participle II in the sentence

Participle II is not conjugated and always comes at the end of the sentence, regardless of whether it is a statement or a question.

Statement: Tobias has the book read.

W-question: Why does Tobias have the book? read?

Yes/no question: Does Tobias have the book? read?

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